
e3 is going to be insane

This e3 we will get a lot of information about the wii u and xbox 720 and ps4 is supposed to be at e3 aswell.This will be great as nintendo will have to work even harder to prove to gamers that the wii u is the system they want for the next-gen which will result in a better launch than if nintendo didn't have to work so hard to beat the competition. There should be good games shown off that will be launch titles nintendo is very clever especially in how they have turned the nintendo 3ds around from failing to a success.So they will have learned their lesson and will make sure the wii u launches with triple A launch titles. We will also get confirmed specs but nintendo said that it won't be cheap and the videos of games on their e3 2011 site look amazing so the specs are likely to be impressive.Another thing we will learn more about is the wii u's online which must be strong and from the looks of their efforts so far on the 3ds it should be atleast on par with psn I wouldnt go as far as saying on par with live because live has funding from the subscriptions.I will say I am considering getting a wii u at launch like I did my dsi and 3ds but I will wait to see what nintendo says at e3 and what microsoft and sony have to show off.

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